EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 April
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso
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216 lines
; HotListHandler Installer script by Robert Nienkemper <robertn@tip.nl>
; $VER: Installer script 1.00 for HotListHandler © Robert Nienkemper
; Setting up
(set version1 (getversion "HotListHandler")) (set version2 (/ version1 65536))
(set revision1 (- version1 (* version2 65536) ) ) (set HLHversion (cat version2 "." revision1))
(set @source-dir (pathonly @icon) )
(set firsttime 0)
(set keyfound 0)
(foreach @source-dir "#?.key"(set keyfound 1))
(set #about (cat "\n\nWelcome to\n\nHotListHandler " HLHversion "\nCopyright © 1996 by Robert Nienkemper\n\n"
(if (= keyfound 1)
(cat "Thank you for registering HotListHandler!")
(cat "Please refer to the documentation for information on restrictions and instructions about registration.")
( "\n\nThis program will install all necessary files on your system. This program will NOT change any old settings!"))
(set #HLH_dir "Where would you like to install HotListHandler?.\n(NO extra drawer will be created!)")
(set #HLHdir_help "\nHotListHandler will be copied to the directory you have selected.\n")
(set #HLHdir_help1 "\nDon't worry about the tooltypes you have set in older versions.\n")
(set #HLHdir_help2 "\nThis installer script will notice if you are upgrading and therefore")
(set #HLHdir_help3 " will not overwrite your HotListHandler.info file.")
(set #HLH_script "\nDo you want to run the AddToHotlist clean-up script?\n")
(set #HLHscript_help "\nIf you have used, or are still using, my \"AddToHotlist.aweb\" script, ")
(set #HLHscript_help1 "this script will remove the index and any HTML codes from the hotlist created by \"AddToHotlist.aweb\".")
(set #wherehotlist "\nSelect the directory where your aweb.hotlist is stored.\n")
(set #wherehotlist_help (cat "\nHLH needs to know where you keep your hotlist.\n"
"\nThis program will set the tooltype 'HOTLIST' for you.\n"
"\nIf HLH cannot find a hotlist upon startup, HLH will create one.\n\n"
"\nNOTE: HLH also uses this path for 'cleaning-up' if you have been "
"using \"AddToHotList.aweb\"."))
(set #ttype_help (cat "\nThis program uses the selected directory to find AWeb's hotlist.\n"
"It will remove all HTML codes that 'AddToHotlist.aweb' has added"))
(set #hotprompt "\nCleaning up your Hotlist now!")
(set #HLHguide_dir "\nWhere would you like to install the HotListHandler.guide?")
(set #HLHguide_help "\nThe HotListHandler.guide will be copied to the selected directory.")
(set #HLHtool "\nShould I set the ToolTypes for you?\n")
(set #HLHtool_help (cat "\nHLH supports, at the moment, two tooltypes/arguments.\n"
"\nThis program will set the HotList location.\n"
"\nThe PubScreen must be set manually.\n"
"\n\nPlease refer to the HotListHandler.guide for more information."
(set #nohotlist1 "\n\nHLH can't clean up your hotlist!\n\n\n")
(set #nohotlist2 "\n\nHotlist not found!")
(set #done1 "\n\nClick the HotListHandler icon in the\n")
(set #done2 "\ndirectory to start.\n\nHave fun...")
(set #wrongOS "\nHotListHandler requires OS 3.0 or later to function.")
; Say hello
(message #about)
; Checking environment
(set OS_ver (getversion "exec.library" (resident)))
(if (< OS_ver (* 39 65536)) (abort #wrongOS))
; Let's do it...
(complete 0)
(set @default-dest @source-dir)
(set hotdir "")
(set HLHandler_dir
(default @default-dest)
(prompt #HLH_dir)
(help (cat #HLHdir_help #HLHdir_help1 #HLHdir_help2 #HLHdir_help3))
(set @default-dest HLHandler_dir)
(if (exists (tackon HLHandler_dir "HotListHandler"))
(set firsttime 1))
(set stopcopy (= @source-dir @default-dest))
(if (not stopcopy)
(copyfiles (source "HotListHandler" )
(dest HLHandler_dir)
(complete 16)
(if (= firsttime 0)
(copyfiles ( source "HotListHandler.info")
(dest HLHandler_dir)
(complete 32)
(set dotypes (askchoice (choices "Set Tooltypes" "Do not set Tooltypes")
(prompt #HLHtool)
(help #HLHtool_help )
(default 0)
(if (= dotypes 0)
(set hotdir (askdir (prompt #wherehotlist)
(help #wherehotlist_help)
(default HLHandler_dir)
(if (not (= hotdir ""))
(tooltype (prompt "Setting tooltypes...")
(dest (tackon HLHandler_dir "HotListHandler"))
(settooltype "HOTLIST" (tackon hotdir "aweb.hotlist"))
(set guidedir (askdir (prompt #HLHguide_dir)
(help #HLHguide_help)
(default HLHandler_dir)
(set stopcopy (= @source-dir guidedir))
(if (not stopcopy)
(copyfiles ( source "HotListHandler.guide" )
(dest guidedir)
(complete 64)
(if (= keyfound 1)
(foreach @source-dir "#?.key"
(copyfiles (source @each-name)
(dest "SYS:L")
(newname "HLHandler.key")
(prompt "Installing your personal keyfile")
(complete 92)
(set cleanup (askchoice (choices "Please clean up my hotlist" "Do not clean up my hotlist")
(prompt #HLH_script)
(help (cat #HLHscript_help #HLHscript_help1))
(default 0)
(if (= cleanup 0)
(if (= hotdir "")
(set hotdir (askdir (prompt #wherehotlist)
(help #ttype_help)
(default HLHandler_dir)
(set hotfile (tackon hotdir "aweb.hotlist"))
(if (not (exists(hotfile)))(message (cat #nohotlist1 "\""hotfile"\"" #nohotlist2))
(working (#hotprompt))
(run (cat "SYS:Rexxc/rx " (tackon @source-dir "extras/CleanupHotlist.rexx") " " (tackon hotdir "aweb.hotlist")))
(complete 100)
;-------------------------- ... and we gone. -------------------------------
(exit (cat #done1 "\""HLHandler_dir"\"" #done2))